How to Find Your Device ID in GoodByEmail

Easily check your device ID to confirm which device you'd like to deregister from GoodByEmail.

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By Alex

Are you looking to find your device ID to confirm which device you'd like to deregister from GoodByEmail? We've got you covered. Below you'll find guides for both macOS and Windows.

On macOS

If you're using macOs, follow the below:

  • Click 'GoodByEmail' on the macOS menu bar.
  • You'll find the Device ID in the dropdown menu.
Finding your Device ID in the GoodByEmail app for MacOS

On Windows

If you're using Windows, follow the below:

  • Press and hold the 'Alt' key on your keyboard.
  • You'll find the Device ID in the 'About' dropdown menu.
Finding your Device ID in the GoodByEmail app for Windows

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